Montag, 16. September 2013


Had some more ideas for fancy clothes.
And everything was just freehand drawing, so no straight lines, ha ha. :'D

My friend lanimalu drew Newt and Hermann to complete the fancy clothes crew.

Montag, 9. September 2013

So is this a date?

I really love Tienshinhan and Lunch from Dragon Ball as a pairing, ok. And I couldn' t resist to draw Ten with glasses. And he would totally be this model student while Lunch is the bad girl. IDK I like that setting.
I come back to drawing them every now and then.

Donnerstag, 5. September 2013

Casual wear

Just some experiments in style. I missed going the messy way.
Also obligatory dress up. I love drawing clothes.

Edit: Let's add Mako to that.

Edit 2: And some Raleigh.